View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Feb 3rd, 2019 14:06

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
blackfox wrote:
hmmm basically as sharp , but the red channel seems subdued . surely though it's far easier and cheaper for j.k to just upload via flickr , for one its a free account if kept too under 1000 images , its easy to use (apart from rob ) :no:that is . and although a smaller size if interested you can direct link back to flickr and get all the exif data if required (as long as its posted ) never felt the need to hide mine

On my screen there is a very visible difference in detail ...the feet, the eye the underwing are all softer on the direct upload.


I tend to agree that if the idea is to demonstrate the best execution of your image on the forum, then for the moment using Flickr is preferable.

I also think Graham's point is interesting. We tend to display our best wares in the gallery and more usually reserve the threads for photos that demonstrate a point being discussed....and therefore need not be top quality. The Bird thread has changed that to a degree because of the greater interest in perfecting and showing results.o.O
