View single post by richw
 Posted: Tue May 29th, 2012 05:24

Joined: Tue Apr 10th, 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 525
There are a couple of nice ones where you have filled the frame and isolated the action. Number 9919 is an example, I'd actually try to crop in even closer maybe using the Lacrosse sticks to form the top two corners and bringing the bottom edge up to mid thigh on the girl in orange, although her foot in bottom corner is a nice touch, but impact wise larger and more focus on the expressions works.

Some of the others are a bit confused and so a little ho-hum, 9907 might be an example. Others where there is no face, so no expression miss the mark because of this, 9969 might be an example.

I'd prune harder and display fewer. Get rid of the 50% here that you are least happy with and I think the impact of the collection would be greater.

I think some of these would also benefit quite a bit from some post production, mainly just cropping to get rid of distractions and fill the frame with the action.

Less DoF would also be good, so shoot wide open and at max zoom although the lens may be getting in the way a bit here. You can do this in post but it's a pain so probably only worth doing the five star shots.