View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Feb 19th, 2019 07:19

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
I think that sometimes we try to be too formulaic on these things.

If you want the horse in focus then focus on the nearest 'important' point on the horse - head on then focus on the nose/eyes, side on focus on a stirrup or its side.
Then to get reasonable DOF use f8 if you are less than 10m away or f5.6 if you are further away. This will give you focus for all the horse it also depends on the focal length of the lens (that is an additional complication but let us assume a 50mm or 100mm lens).

If the background is too focused/sharp you can always blur it in Photoshop or other editor that provided masking and gaussian blur.

Remember always that even if the latest hype says that with AI you can get a sharp image form a fuzzy one in truth you cant, you can only make up what you think it would be if it was sharp. So getting a sharp image is always the way to go.
You can then defocus or blur areas selectively in an editor.

Still learning after all these years!