View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Feb 19th, 2019 18:18

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
chrisbet wrote:
Thanks - I use GIMP on linux and it does indeed have masking and gaussian blur plus lots of other options but nothing quite like the bokeh produced by a lens.

Masking off just the horse & rider is a painstaking and lengthy task even using "intelligent" scissors - and you can't overdo the blurring or it looks like you pasted the object on some crepe paper!


When I first set up my digital photography company 25years ago we had a saying “inside every good photograph is a great image waiting to get out”. We revelled in image manipulation for commercial clients who loved seeing their product advertised in “unusual” situations. The trick was to make them still look realistic.

In retirement, I have to some degree tired of and turned away from, image manipulation. Burnt out old b*gger. :lol:

I would so like to get it right “enough” in the the old days.:needsahug:

Last edited on Tue Feb 19th, 2019 18:19 by Eric
