View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed May 30th, 2012 10:10

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Dave, you have just about described the issue I had with my SB28.

If I fully close the door it won't work, If I hold the door just short of latching it fires just fine but stops as soon as I closed the door fully. The battery door on the SB28 hinges down onto four AA Batteries then slides into four latches, one at each corner of the door, pulling the door down onto the batteries.

Somehow sliding the door over the terminals seems to cause a loss of contact. I do wonder if the sleeving of the battery cell ends is a factor, especially at the - (Neg) end. The sleeving seems to wrap over the end of the cells at the rim edge and may be lifting the contacts just clear of making a good contact.

Perhaps a slight mod with a modelling knife is all that is needed. I bent my links on the door and that seemed to fix mine but I can't check it right now, because I don't have my SB28 with me.
