View single post by chrisbet
 Posted: Sat Mar 2nd, 2019 16:10

Joined: Fri Feb 8th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1446
The orientation is embedded in the EXIF data - some software autocorrects it  and it "appears" correct but the EXIF doesn't get changed.

I pulled it into GIMP which warns you if the image is rotated and you can flip it (it changes the EXIF data) so the saved image has its orientaion correctly recorded in the data - then I just attached the new image.

Using the attachment routine has the advantage that it doesn't clutter up the gallery with transient images - especially now I have got a random image routine on the splash page.

PS if you want to use that page even when it is turned "off" - it is still there if you change your forum link to :sssshh:

If it is broken it was probably me ....