View single post by chrisbet
 Posted: Tue Mar 5th, 2019 03:19

Joined: Thu Feb 7th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1322
I thought it might be useful to start a fresh thread on this subject... :coffee:

As an "outsider" and having no real investment in the current structure I have a couple of observations.

1. You talk about 3 main things - the equipment features, the skills in using the equipment  and the results.

2. Apart from the banter, comments in the results are generally related to specific images.

I wonder if it would be useful to have some sort of linked gallery thread where, as well as having individual threads like "My visit to Wales", the images therein could sire an independent thread with comments on the image itself. This could then link into the gallery (the existing one or a new one) which showed the latest images and their comment threads.

This might get round the issue of someone posting an image to illustrate a technical point or as part of a thread on a project etc. and the thread getting waylaid by comments on the image - these would be housed in the image comments thread.

If this suggestion gets any support, I will start looking into the mechanics of achieving it.

If it is broken it was probably me ....