View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Mar 12th, 2019 05:32

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
Robert wrote:
What, to enable the most recent post to be at the top?

Not sure I have come across that, in some ways it makes sense, although I would have thought that would be better in the user preferences, rather than in the display screens, I can see that causing confusion for for some users?  And adding to the plethora of buttons we now seem to enjoy.  Simple is good.

On the BBC News website, the HYS comments give the option to have 'Newest first' or 'Oldest first' the default is 'Newest first' but I find it hard to follow the posts backwards especially when they are referring to previous posts, it's like reading a story backwards.   I always switch to 'Oldest first', much easier.

It can be in user account Preferences as this will tend to be a personal thing.

Still learning after all these years!