View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Mar 20th, 2019 15:23

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Longer than 24 Hrs is unlikely!

Sometimes I'm half way through creating a post and I get distracted, I forget all about it then next time I go to post, the unused text is patiently awaiting completion and posting.

My fault entirely but it's happening more frequently recently.  I was joking really it's my memory which needs attention or fewer distractions.  Sometimes an idea comes into my head as I am typing so I go deal with that but forget to come back to the post, meantime the splash screen kicks in and then I see a new post, so I go check that out and so on...

I'm a bit like a butterfly, flitting from one place to another. o.O  No hope for me!
