View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat May 4th, 2019 06:43

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6830
I have desperately tried to keep out of this but got dragged into commenting on it on the Fuji X forum that I moderate on.

This was my post there...........

"It is just the early warning of a price hike.

Obviously the people at Adobe need an annual bonus boost!!
In fiscal year 2018, Adobe achieved record annual revenue of $9.03 billion, which represents 24 percent year- over-year growth. "Adobe achieved record revenue of greater than $9 billion and delivered outstanding earnings performance in fiscal 2018," said Shantanu Narayen, president and CEO, Adobe.
Oh greedy, greedy.... Only $2.6B profit.
Adobe Systems net profit 2004-2018 | Statistic

Check the rise in profits since introduction of the Subscription model in mid-2013... And especially in the last two years!
Great if you have Adobe shares but not so great when you see prices rising at greater than inflation."

Personally I would be happy to see Adobe disappear down the San Andreas Fault except that I know it would cause the loss of many people.
It is a greedy company.  I know all the arguments about ..... shareholder value, profits, costs, etc..   It is just a cover-up for Greedy Capitalism.
Profit is good, excessive profit is not.

I moved out from Adobe when they forced the subscription issue.  I buy software, I dont rent it.  This move to CaptureOne Pro has been beneficial to me as I have been forced to learn a software that is in fact as powerful as Lightroom and more as it has Layers, LUTs, etc.....  I still use my Photoshop CS6 very happily.  I also have Affinity Pro as a fallback should my PS CS6 not work.

Rant over.

Still learning after all these years!