View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun Jun 16th, 2019 23:34

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
blackfox wrote:
As some will know I went on holiday on Sunday to East Yorkshire .. and arrived about dinner time , by early evening I was suffering from bad chest pains and have suffered a heart attack . Rushed into castle hill hospital in hull and underwent surgery to fit a stent which has improved things but I still need further surgery so it looks like photography is on a back burner for the foreseeable future as I can just about walk unaided
Very sorry to read this Jeff, it must have been a big shock.  I hope you recover well, you will need to get out and exercise once you have recovered from the surgery.  That little reserve you showed me would be ideal, not too far to walk, yet exciting for photography.

I'm sure you will make a full recovery and be back to normal in no time.  I know several people who had had similar and they have all recovered well.  Modern heart surgery is amazing.
