View single post by blackfox
 Posted: Fri Jun 21st, 2019 07:10

Joined: Wed Apr 11th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
I now have a 7200 and a D3s both do the same job but differently .the 7200 can at times be a tad noisy it depends what you really expect from a camera ,I find it fast enough and sharp enough in good light but noise can be a problem in some light if you look at most of my recent images they are with the d7200 and with wildlife cropping is a part of the process .if your going to fill the frame then that's not needed ,

  the shutter speed 7fps is fast enough for most uses and the buffer is fairly large about 30 shots in RAW  with a decent card ..just be careful you don't cross thread any filters though as someone might nit pic your posts :whip: