View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 03:21

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Hi Ken,

Sorry to hear of your difficulties. The gallery that came with the new forum was very substandard for our needs. It has been replaced with a new and very good gallery which allows us to store and view our images.

You should be able to simply click on the gallery and go directly to your images. However, because we had to remove the original gallery which came with the new forum, yours and everyone else's images will have gone with it. You need to go to the gallery and create a new album, you can have several albums for different types of image, say perhaps you could have Landscape pictures, car pictures and home pictures for example.

It was stated some time ago that the gallery that came with the new forum was only temporary and that we were looking for a much better gallery. Replacing the gallery inevitably meant the images that were stored there would be lost.

This new gallery is much better and far simpler to use than the one we had on the old forum and once you have set up an album it should be a seamless switch from the forum to the gallery.

As for the PDF, most people who are here won't NEED it but it's good to have in case you get stuck or wonder how to use a feature. The old gallery was far more complex and very difficult to use but we had no PDF! It was the subject of many topics trying to figure how to use it.

If you are having log in difficulties or need help with the password I am sure JK will be pleased to help.
