View single post by blackfox
 Posted: Sat Jul 13th, 2019 17:28

Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
couple of points there Eric if possible dump the t.c and try to get closer , I also tend to use either single point or just 9 point a.f which I find easier to keep on target . you also cite exposure if shooting into the sky you will need to dial in at least 2/3rds of a stop of + exposure compensation to stop the sky blowing out the bird , also avoid background trees or bushes if possible . 
     I try to practice for a hour or two each week on the local gull population as it keeps your hand and eye in .. 
red kites tend to be skittish in flight especially if there a few of them so try and pick just one out and follow it constantly . I'm probably preaching to the wrong person but the secret of b.i.f is getting in close and giving the camera time to acquire a focus lock .. heres a couple of short eared owl shots from earlier this year d7200 ,sigma 150-600C hand held you should be able to do better than this with your gear