View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Aug 1st, 2019 16:45

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4186
blackfox wrote:
It shows how things have moved on over the last few years , what we now class as bad noise would have been considered more than acceptable 5 or 6 years ago .. the latest advent of full frame mega pixel sensors have really changed the ball park ,hopefully the resolving power of the lenses will keep up with it .. and that's another reason I'm considering changing lenses I'm searching for that enigmatic “look/feel “ just getting a sharp image is no longer the goal
I wonder if the sharpness of modern lenses is in fact emphasising noise? You may find using a 'softer' older lens loses some of the noise issues?

In truth it's never JUST been about getting a pin sharp full frame image of a bird. The traditional 1/3 bird 2/3 habitat arguably gives a more pleasing photograph when compared to the full frame technical record shot. Or maybe that's an excuse for not having a long enough lens. 😆
