View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Aug 29th, 2019 17:11

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
I cant remember now if your 18650 batteries are tagged cells or ones like normal AA batteries with spring connections.

A single 18650 will power a LED bulb for many hours.  18650 battery is rated at 3.4-3.7volts.

To power your Astromount motor you need 12-25volts I think.  This is the equivalent of about 5 of the 18650 batteries (18v) in series.  You need three batteries only if you need 10-12volts    
Note: series, not parallel.  
So for 6 cells you can have two independent power supplies.  

However since the light will only be used occasionally then you can use 5 batteries in series but tap into the first battery only of the series for your light.

Still learning after all these years!