View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Sep 1st, 2019 16:02

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Robert wrote:
There is a months free trial so I trying it out, I have no doubt it will do the job...  It's more a matter of whether I can get the hang of it sufficiently to get it to do what I want.  One of it's main claims is that it's intuitive, perhaps I am lacking something but I can't use it at all without constant reference to the tutorial videos.

If it ever 'clicks' I will have fun, otherwise I may look for another software.  Dreamweaver used to be the one but since Adobe got it the price has become unreachable.

I really ought to start a new thread, rather than hogging Chris's mirrorless discussion.

You can do it all with simple html code.  I will take a look at Freeway 7 and see how I find it but I cant do it at present as I have just bought another house and I have builders in the other one.  Lots of stuff to do.

Still learning after all these years!