View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Sep 6th, 2019 18:44

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Eric wrote:
So just to go back on topic.....

What I have surmised is that mirrorless aren't at their best for fast moving subjects and contre jour lighting. Their lesser weight is only relevant when fitted with Z lenses. But their reduced bulk makes them more portable. With these points in mind I am still leaning towards adding the Z6 to see if it dislodges the D850s place in my heart.

Another of our kitchen appliances went to that 'great scrapyard in the sky' yesterday. It's replacement arrived this afternoon with little ceremony or indeed inconvenience to me ....apart from the cost. 😭  I will have to give my wallet time to catch it's breath and stop the palpitations but have decided to pop along to WEX and look at the Z6 with new eyes.

Just bought another house here in Cornwall.
It was as perfect as a Z7, so it has some strengths/weaknesses, but costs x100.  So I had to go buy a new fridge, so much choice, but I got something that was somewhat luxurious but functional.  I cant believe that someone would pay the same money for a fridge as a nice Z7 kit!  Heh how. No more cameras for me I guess.

Still learning after all these years!