View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Sep 17th, 2019 16:40

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Eric wrote:
After criticising the Fuji XT2 battery life I have mellowed somewhat as I realised that I rarely shoot more than 300 photos in a session these days. That being the case, the battery can be recharged afterwards, ready for the next day. As long as I have that discipline it shouldn't be an issue ...especially as I always have several spares in my bag anyway.

I am trying hard to convince myself that there are no negatives with mirrorless. :thumbs:

I think that every technology has pros/cons but we need to make sure that we dont paint ourselves into a corner with moving to new technology unless there is a real advantage.
With a DSLR it is difficult but not impossible to envisage how EV adjustments effect a scene without taking the image.  This isnt the case with mirrorless as it is nearly WISYWIG.  Mirrorless has advantages and disadvantages and are not mutually exclusive.  Chose your tools (forget you wallet) and you have a great toolset but a weaker bank balance.  You cant win every which way!

Still learning after all these years!