View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Sep 18th, 2019 18:37

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
jk wrote:
Why new double glazing?  They can re-gas current double glazed window panes,  patio I cant comment on.
I built a conservatory in 1995 which has 3 patio doors. The glass rating is ....24years old! They are metal framed on wood surround. The wood is going home. The metal frames and glass rating mean hot in summer, cold in winter...

It was all a bit amateur. Robert will be holding his head in despair. :lol:

The plans....

And we forgot to knock the old conservatory down before we started to build around it.  :lol:

The patio was new then as well.  But her ladyship reckons its time for a change. :needsahug:

Sorry guys serious fred drift
