View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Oct 2nd, 2019 17:01

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I agree Chris, the picture is nice, contrasty lighting like that is difficult, you can't bracket, so any shadow recovery has to be in the processing.

Fortunately shadow recovery is much easier than highlight recovery in fact blown highlights are rarely never recoverable.

What software are you using?  My experience is limited to Adobe Lightroom and Ps but I know JK and Eric use other software, which may be lower cost.

For best results in dealing with extremes of exposure in one image you are better to save as NEF, it gives you your best options and greatest flexibility when trying to recover highlights and shadows.  JPEG's have already been processed in the camera and any further processing by you will be likely to lead to artefacts and noise, especially when you are trying to recover highlights and shadows.

A small flash would help but likely spook the horse, I guess.
