View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Nov 11th, 2019 15:06

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thanks Graham, I thought you might like it.

Yesterday afternoon I made a different tour up Windermere Western side, across via. Tarn Howes to Coniston, up Langdale then over Wrynose Pass, then down ****ley Beck and the Duddon Valley.

The first three from Tarn Howes, stacked out with visitors but I think I have eradicated them, together with the horrible footpaths the National Trust have constructed, thanks to Photoshop. The Langdale Pikes can clearly be seen in images #2 & 3.

All taken with the D800 and 24-120 f/4.0 initially using ISO 400, the first two locations I bracketed three exposures, the rest five, then HDR'd them in Lightroom.  The lighting was difficult, with patches of bright low sunshine on an otherwise dull cloudy day.  I felt the HDR gave me a fighting chance of capturing the range of lighting, which in most cases was a challenge to convey to the viewer.




The next two are on the decent from Tarn Howes looking towards the North of the Coniston Valley.



This is a small tarn just North of Coniston, the water was the flattest I have ever seen, a perfect mirror with almost no ripples. I just wish I had taken my Tripod... I raised the ISO from 400 to 1000 and opened the aperture to f/4



The approach to Wrynose pass, although it was almost dark I just had to stop for this tree, pity about the wire fence.  I just couldn't raise the energy to remove the fence in PS.  I set the lens wide open, 1/40 sec. exposure, camera jammed down on a rock.


Thanks for looking.
