View single post by Eric
 Posted: Fri Feb 7th, 2020 18:24

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4204
Graham Whistler wrote:
I like these very good crisp images. Eric what is bird no 3? I will put an apple out. Jeff liked your red kite pixs too thanks!
It's a Reed Bunting. I dropped the file size at the upload interface on the first 3 images so they aren't as sharp as the originals. The last one of the bemused tit, is actual file size....heavily cropped just to join the close cropping trend.

Very pleased with the D850 and 500mm. It's become clear to me that if the light is excellent, and the ISO is obviously much lower, the D500 and D850 are very similar IQ. But as the light drops the need for higher ISO causes the D500 to lag behind in the noise stakes. So the noise level is not only more obvious but the ability to lift shadow detail or under exposed raw images, falls away. It's my considered opinion that despite the D500's much heralded superior performance for wildlife, it comes in a definite second to the D850 on results and processing capability, when the light it tends to do in UK winter woodlands!

Of course the alternative is to only use the D500 when the sun is on the subject matter...then it doesn't matter.

Last edited on Fri Feb 7th, 2020 18:40 by Eric
