View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Apr 16th, 2020 03:01

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Eric wrote:
Excellent moody image Robert. Lovely atmospheric lighting.

Couldn't resist (sorry ) cropping the right side of the image (which imho draws the eye away from the boat) and it gets the ropes, ladder and bow closer to a stronger thirds position. Oh ......and I lost the contrail. :thumbs:

Thank you Eric, I agree the image is much better after your adjustments, that was the first aeroplane trail I have seen in weeks!!!  That was why I left it, we may never see another... LOL :doh:   Normally there are at least three or four at any one time, day and night, it must be the M6 of the skies above us here.

Another reason I guess, is I am pretty exhausted I am so busy doing stuff that I really didn't have the energy to wield the axe.  I had actually intended to include The Old Man of Coniston, which is as far to the East of the Lake District mountains as we can see from here but I agree your crop is much better artistically.

I was intending to do something completely different but I was misled by my security camera system which I had been watching intently, waiting for the right moment to catch the light, the image gain is so good that the image remains bright until it switches to IR so I get an entirely false impression of the light.  So when I did eventually rush down to the shore the sun had set and the colours had subsided considerably.  I set my heaviest tripod firmly in the sand and whacked off 9 bracketed frames, thinking if that doesn't get something then there is always tomorrow!

It never fails to amaze me what the D800 can produce from the dark shadow areas, combined with Lightroom's ability to extract that information, detail and texture.  What the D850/Z7 can do must be even better.

Chris, Don't know what has happened here it's all in bold???   NOT intended to be all bold...  The same thing happened with my caption for image #2 in post 14, I tried to correct it but couldn't.
