View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Apr 18th, 2020 09:59

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
chrisbet wrote:
Define "viable" - sometimes something is worth saving even though its resultant value is much less than the cost of the thing.

E.g. some people will spend £1,000's on a pet that is replaceable for £100's.

In this case even if, like grandad's hammer that has had 7 new handles and 4 new heads, much of the original planking needs replacing and many of the frames also, it is still the last Mersey flat and worth saving.

I agree.

It is like the current economic fascination/fixation about GDP.
The Gross Domestic Product measures the value of economic activity within a country. Strictly defined, GDP is the sum of the market values, or prices, of all final goods and services produced in an economy during a period of time. ... GDP is a number that expresses the worth of the output of a country in local currency.

There is also a significant thought that says "GDP is vanity, sustainability is reality!"

Of course to current greedy capitalism and its followers this is heresy but this latest COVID-19 has demonstrated the fragility of globalism and the value of localism.  Somewhere we need to find the balance.

Still learning after all these years!