View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun Apr 19th, 2020 04:15

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thank you Chris for taking the time and trouble to allow me to see the Oakdale Fb page, without the associated issues of joining Fb which are personal and not obvious.  I was able to glean a better understanding of Oakdale history.

A more extensive history and photographs than I have been aware of previously.  Most of what I know is what Dave has told me in person, my memory of such conversations can be slightly unreliable...  I have been on board and been into the cabin - engine room below deck some years ago.  Sadly I didn't take any photo's below deck.  If I get a chance I will go aboard and correct that.

I think I will ask Dave if I can take some historic record photographs early this week while the tides are still low. Duddon Bar Tides 

As a side note, sadly, Jodie, Dave's white Alsatian died last week, Jodie had been suffering with cancer.

4th March 2016 Dave and Jodie making their way to collect their coal delivery.
