View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri May 15th, 2020 06:33

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6829
Eric wrote:
Leaving it in the cupboard is worse....which is what would happen if I was being asked to lug 10kg of gear around with me.
Actually when you are going birding there is no better combo (IMHO). 
The whole unit on a tripod makes for a very easily portable, if heavy, rig.  If you take it apart to make it easier to carry it actually become unwieldy.  Slung over the shoulder with the lens down your back and holding the tripod legs it seems no different to carrying the D3S with a 300mm lens!  Doesnt seem logical but is a reality.

Still learning after all these years!