View single post by steve of oxford
 Posted: Sun Jun 10th, 2012 02:35
steve of oxford


Joined: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012
Posts: 261
JK: "the rationale that says that you dont need HMRC if we didnt want/need Trident missiles, submarines and all the other military armaments"

But we hardly have JS....thanks to Blair. Anything we do have must be american and paid for by the taxpayer. In that way the taxpayer sees no return for the contribution i.e. if armaments were all British built at least we'd see some employment.

Mind you this Tory mob aren't much better than about this: They have to have american aircraft on the new British carriers, they must be american, nothing else will work. Naval-ising the Eurofighter is not considered, so, they have to have JSF. Now, the government lies to us and says it can't afford two arrester systems for these aircraft, and decides on buying the STOL JSF because it doesn't need arresters...what was recently scrapped ? !

...and here's the confirmation we have a lying government...G. Osbourne just gave £10bn of our money to the IMF to bail out Greece, again.

I can imagine there might have been a conversation in the past, along the lines of: "we want you to scrap the Harrier, and buy our JSF, Oh and we want you to scrap Hermes & Invincible"

The fact that the government has been caught out red handed over this issue probably means there was such a conversation in the not too distant past.

When will we ever get a government that does not foot lick the americans or the EU, or anyone else for that matter.

One may talk about the British defence industry, but for some of us (who have Hawker Siddely running through our veins) it's a bit of a sore point.

To some extent Cameron

All three should be on trial for treason.