View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed May 20th, 2020 05:07

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4204
chrisbet wrote:
Doesn't look like the fledgling blackbirds we have in the garden, they don't have the mottling.

Thrush and blackbird are same family.

Counted in the garden today (but  no pics as I am busy fixing the garage roof ) wren, house sparrow, blackbird, jay, magpie, collared dove, blue tit and heard but not seen - gulls!

The mottling is there in the early stages like the Robin by gradually goes once they are fully feathered.
We have a pair of Song thrush that nest at the very bottom of the garden. Very shy rarely come closer to the house. Would love to see some success for them this year as Song thrush are getting very scarce, but they teach the young to be elusive as well.
