View single post by Eric
 Posted: Mon May 25th, 2020 03:07

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4204
Iain wrote:
I can get out to the reserves now but not into the hides. The problem now is with the trees etc in full leaf you don't see much. The feeding stations/hides is where you would see things at this time of year so in a catch 22.
My birding friend Mike was telling me that the Cley reserve has been completely closed off to the public, not just the hides. In the few weeks we were all in total lockdown, many birds have started nesting within feet of the paths....including a Bittern! They don't want to risk scaring them off before the young fledge. I suspect the wardens and friends are getting some good photographs. ☹️
