View single post by Dave Groen
 Posted: Sun Jun 10th, 2012 19:08
Dave Groen

Joined: Wed Apr 4th, 2012
Location: St Louis, Missouri USA
Posts: 106
I shot this yesterday. D800 with 80-200 f2.8 AFS, 135 mm, 1/800@f3.5, hand held. The subject was approaching me at extremely high speed as I was panning. I got off four shots and the D800's focusing kept up with the subject - all were acceptable. This was at the start of a 1/4 mile drag race. The car is ~2000 hp burning nitromethane (see the deflection of the rear tires).
Sharpness is very good, so hand holding was not an issue.

Attachment: _D8G0572_full.jpg (Downloaded 32 times)

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left