View single post by GeoffR
 Posted: Fri Jul 24th, 2020 04:36


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Denham, United Kingdom
Posts: 293
Eric wrote:
Not sure why silent camera operation is such a must have? I can understand manufacturers wanting to reduce camera complexity and remove mechanisms that may fail over time. But wildlife photographers have gotten by with a bit of mirror slap for 50+years.

To me it's selling a feature as a benefit.

In many venues photography is strongly discouraged; churches during the wedding ceremony being but one. Even a quiet shutter and mirror can be enough to draw attention to a photographer who flouts the rules. I assume therefore that a truly silent camera is desirable for those who don't want to be constrained by other people's requirements.

I am sure there are other circumstances where photography is permitted but the noise of the quietest SLR might be a distraction, possibly dangerously so, to performers. In that case silence would be highly desirable. Most of the time however I don't see the problem with the shutter/mirror sound.