View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Aug 18th, 2020 15:46

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Unfortunately no photograph but a report which some may find interesting...

I was at a friends yard last evening about sunset when I noticed, against an approaching bank of thick black cloud, an enormous skien of Geese in several very large V formations flying South, about a couple of miles away, over the Kent estuary.

As they disappeared, another even larger skien followed and another and another, I didn't know so many Geese existed, they just kept coming. I watched for about 15 minutes as they flew by at a distance, their white bodies standing out against the black background of a heavy black raincloud which soon dumped a very heavy rain shower on us and we lost sight of the Geese.

Presumably they have started migrating South, but where from and where might they be going?  It seems early in the year for birds to be migrating and in such large numbers.  Is this a harbinger of bad weather to come...

Do they fly on in the dark?
