View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Aug 21st, 2020 15:46

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
Sounds like you have a big job on your hands Robert.
Can only suggest.... Quick sort into good and rubbish. Final sort later at your leisure, winter time activity!

Initially I had a quick zoom round, gathering the gems then progressively less productive sweeps taking me through the process of trying to complete sets of parts and things I knew existed but couldn't find...  The taps and dies disappeared before I had chance to rescue them, (I have seen one tap hiding in a box with some bolts) and I can find no trace of any reamers, which I know existed.  Fortunately I was able to rescue a very good welder and an old but very nice pillar drill.

My children are the beneficiaries and I am trying to ensure the more valuable assets are not sent to the scrap yard.
