View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Sep 26th, 2020 06:46

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
blackfox wrote:
After chatting to a friend I think frampton marsh r.S.p.b is my priority ,try it tues all being well
The hides are open at Frampton with restricted numbers and face masks required. It can be a bit hit an miss there for photography depending on water levels. The current gales around here are also an issue. Hopefully it will die down for you ....forecast says it will. 🤞

Check out online something of these sites to see if they interest.

Being round the corner on the other side of the Wash, I am more conversant with Norfolk sites. Here's what's happening this side of the Wash ...

I am sure most of the migration will be along the Lincs coast as well. The problem is always getting close enough to photograph ☹️
