View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Dec 9th, 2020 11:01

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6834
Eric wrote:
That's interesting Iain. I feel a test coming on, weather permitting, tomorrow.

I've long criticised Nikon for pushing 'acceptable' noise at much higher levels whilst the improvement at lower levels has lagged behind. 

My D3 was relatively noise free to around 3000iso outdoors and 2000iso indoors. I would have much preferred this noise free ceiling to be lifted to around 5000, rather than being able to have noisey images at 64,400! The D850 is little better than the D3 below 2000 and probably inferior at 3000!

Whilst I accept that software can reduce noise, they all work by softening the image to some degree. Whilst that can be managed reasonably well with a bit of precision, the fact remains if noise were not there in the first instance, the image wouldn't need softening...... quite the reverse, it would respond to sharpening even better.

A camera that achieves noise free quality up to 5000 without any post processing intervention would get my vote.

I used to use my D3 at ISO 3200 but my D3S works at ISO 6400.

My D850 seems to work very well, but I havent really pushed it past ISO 3200.

I agree a camera with smooth noiseless results to ISO 6400 would be a real winner but I am sure that the cut-off limits for others such as sports shooters might be ISO 12800.

Still learning after all these years!