View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun Jun 17th, 2012 08:14

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
And it's weaknesses?

Although the D200 may sort of 'share' the sensor I don't think it's the exact same setup. I researched it carefully at the time I bought my D200's and I seem to remember the D200 took advantage of some (slight) advances in technology, I don't care to revisit that research! I know I was dithering between used D2x and new D200, after careful research the D200 won.

As far as I am concerned the D200 is a perfectly capable camera which may have some limitations in comparison with the current range but those limitations don't impinge too much on my photographs.

Most of my photography is done in good light and the output is destined for small prints or on screen viewing. Therefor a D1 would do 90% of what I need but the D1 is a bit limited in it's tonal range in my opinion and the D200 user interface is better.
