View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Jun 19th, 2021 04:46

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
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Iain wrote:
I am thinking of putting my D4 in and getting either a Z6 mki or a Sony A7 mkii or iii.
What do people think? I would still be doing wildlife and the odd rugby match and would still have my D750.

What's wrong with your D4 set up?
What do you expect these cameras will add?

Jonathan is right to point out that going to Sony means changing lensesAND it's no good minimising your outlay with just a 'test' lens, you would need to buy lenses for your photography, for a realistic evaluation. That ain't cheap even with the current cash back/trade in deals.

I was happy to do that because I wasn't over equipped with Nikon lenses and had decided that although the 500PF lens was sharp, a fixed long lens wasn't flexible enough for my range of uses. I was able to fund the change with the px deals and a few extra quid sufficiently acceptable to my Yorkshire thrift gland!  

If I been happy with the Nikon lenses I had, I would probably have tried (again) with a Z body in the first instance. 
I believe the Sony set up is better than the original Z6/7 products I tried back in the day.but may be the new Zs have closed the gap?

The point is, what are the supposed benefits of mirrorless?
No mirror slap or repair costs.neither have ever concerned me with SLR or DSLR cameras.
Lighter, compact bodies they may be compact but their weight saving is minimal when adding your current lenses.
In fact the Sony A7mk3 with 24-105mm is the same weight as a D500 and equivalent lens.) Sony camera and lenses combined are still 'heavy'.
If you want true lightweight mirrorless you need the Fuji X system because not only are the bodies lighter but so are Fuji lenses.about 2/3 the weight of everyone else's offerings.

Quiet shuttersthat's true.

There may be other benefits so let's here them and discuss their validity.

On the negative side:
Well you know about battery just need to have more batteries and remember to change them before you start an important shoot.
The sensors attract more fact this 'backward step' isn't talked about much. The new Sony A1 has a special blind that comes down when you change lenses to hopefully prevent this.
The viewfinders aren't as clear as a DSLR. The A1 viewfinder is very close to normal but is still electronic in nature. 
Like all electronics rich devices they have their glitchesespecially if you rush them 'waking up.they can 'hang' like anycomputer leaving black view screens, requiring switching off and on again to clear!

Mirrorless cameras are like electric cars. The manufacturers want us to buy them and bill them as the second coming.
The truth is the benefits they offer come with limitations that you have to accept or find work arounds.

They do work well for all genre of photography. You just have to invest time in learning how to get the result you want with slightly different techniques.

If you intend to keep the D750 and a suite of Nikon lenses I wouldn't recommend getting anything other than a Nikon Z to test the water.
My gut feel is the Sony system is the best right now, but you'd need to ditch all your Nikon gear to fund a change. Do you want that? Is it worth it?

Last edited on Sat Jun 19th, 2021 04:55 by Eric
