View single post by Richard_M
 Posted: Sun Aug 15th, 2021 20:05


Joined: Tue Oct 13th, 2020
Location: Australia
Posts: 76
Robert wrote:
Agree with JK, very remarkable images. 

Do you know what part of the spectrum we are seeing? I guess the Z7 is sensitive to more than the visible spectrum I wonder if it's towards the UV end. 

Is the luminosity as apparent to unaided human vision?

Thank you

I'm not sure what the spectrum of these is. To the naked eye they glow a faint off-white colour. When they are fresh they glow brighter, and as they age the glow diminishes. With good weather you might get a week out of one. If there is rain they tend to turn to mush quite quickly. We go hunting for them in the day and then go back at night to photograph them. If there is a moon and/or overcast light pollution becomes an issue. We usually have umbrellas with internal lining in the car to try and minimise the light pollution if its bad. It doesn't matter what brand of camera is used, its the long exposure the camera sensor makes them this colour. My photos are generally 3 minutes or more, others prefer shorter with higher ISO. Its very much trial and error, particularly as the fungi ages.