View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 08:47

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thanks for all the nice messages, I am a lot better, I was very active over the summer, playing on my little digger, as soon as the cooler weather hit I have retreated indoors.  Covid is nasty, I am still taking meds, 14 months on I still get breathless for no reason, often while just stood waiting for something, or even sitting at my desk.  My instant recall memory is much worse (yet I can clearly remember telephone numbers and car registration numbers from when I was little?).  I can't multitask at the computer as well as I used to. I am currently organising my music collection, a task I have been putting off...  If nothing else it's exercising my brain cells! I have quite a large collection of music, probably approaching 30,000 songs, a large proportion of which are rubbish, I am weeding out all the extreme, bang-bang-bang stuff in favour of melody and soft tones! LOL

Chris and JK have both kindly helped me a lot by suggesting software to help sort out the mess.  I have many songs with no detailed track info but with the software I can download the missing data, even the images of the cover sleeves, from a central database, amazing.

This was triggered by the impulse purchase of a Sonos 5 loudspeaker at a local second hand shop.  The speaker is amazing, the sound quality is superb.  It connects with my iMac via wifi, drawing on my music library, gives me a vast selection of radio stations around the world and also allows me to control it from my iPhone!

As those who have met me will know, my hearing is very poor.  Due to a mastoid operation when I was a child, years of operating heavy machinery, rock drills and other loud stuff in confined spaces have taken their toll on my 'good' ear.  So, a clear, well tuned loudspeaker is to me a godsend, I can enjoy music again!

Last edited on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 08:47 by
