View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 11:20

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6830
Well I am not here to preach to the unconverted or the converted but I would never go back to film.  The process is just too toxic and doesnt give me anything apart from loss of control of the process.

I find that moving back to a DSLR to be quite a challenge as I use the EVF on my mirrorless cameras as a method of assessing exposure. 
These days I seldom do more than change ISO and aperture, as I shoot Aperture priority, so I get the EVF to vaguely match what I want to capture as my end result. When I shoot manual exposure then I do use the numbers in the viewfinder to assess bit that is less often these days. 

So when does a DSLR win for me. 
It wins where the light is very poor and the EVF of a mirrorless camera magnifies the latent noise so it is  producing a distracting viewfinder image.  Modern/newer than last 2 years EVF are better than older ones but still not perfect.
The DSLR definitely wins when shooting against the light which I like to do so I still find my D850 and D600 have utility.

At the end it is a tool whether you use it to push nails into wood, then it is a hammer, or to capture an image on a sensor to then allow you to manipulate or not as is your choice.

Last edited on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 11:20 by

Still learning after all these years!