View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Jun 19th, 2012 12:24

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4186
Gert wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote:
Yes camera B as well for me!
Now dont say it it a Leica M9.

Agree B. D700 v D800 ?
you are sharp as always, you got one spot on and the other is very close.

In truth I guessed you got an 800 but I recognised the noise cut off point in camera A as either the D3 or the D700 sensor...I wrongly jumped for the D700. o.O

Using the D3, as I have for some time, I have come to recognise its cut off point of 2000ISO when using artificial light. In your series it shows this very clearly ....1600 no significant noise....3200 noticeable noise.

In daylight or higher kelvin lighting the noise threshold is nearer 4000ISO.

For this reason I wanted to see some incandescent low kelvin lighting shots with the D800 before committing to the large files. It needs to be noise free (for me) in long exposure interior shots.

At the moment if I need to use really high ISO with interior lighting, I still tripod mount and take 3 identical shots.

Place the 3 shots on seperate layers in PS and drop the opacity in the 2nd and 3rd layers to 25% and 40%. This gets rid of most noise. But of course you need to have a static subject!

I confess I am still trying to understand why the D800 lost noise on sampling down?
