View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Jun 19th, 2012 13:46

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Gert wrote:
The D3 is (obviously) at its original resolution, but here is a iso 6400 crop from the 36MP D800.
If you would like to see other ISOs, let me know, and if you want the full size image, PM me.

Thank you Gert, I see now. As I thought the random pixels are much finer and being combined by the Bibble software which I believe is very good at re-sizing/re-sampling, has effectively smoothed the somewhat harsh, gritty D800 noise to something much more acceptable. I like it!

Capture at high resolution and display at lower resolution... Neat.

I wonder if this would also fix the awful, gritty high ISO noise from the D7000?

:doh: Doh! I just saw your second post!
