View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Jan 24th, 2023 18:32

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4207
chrisbet wrote:
Interesting - I must have an experiment with macro again!
The Sony macro lens is a bit weird….but nice weird. As previously mentioned, it’s a normal functioning 90mm lens in auto focus mode that has a close focusing distance of around 18”. Not exactly macro! But switching it into manual focus mode (which is preferable for macro anyway) and it suddenly allows focusing down to a couple of inches! It just won’t let you use auto focus at the close distance.  That said it has a lovely zoom function which kicks in as soon as you turn the manual focus ring. The significantly enlarged view makes it really easy to get accurate focus.

The limitations of these shots were due to the old favourites…..too large an aperture used reducing dof and not using a tripod to keep the camera at the focussed distance. The steady shot does operate but in my experience not as well in macro as with more distant subjects. (I think Nikon said that with their 105mm micro lens the lens stabilisation doesn’t work at distances closer than 1 metre.)

I was considering selling this 90mm macro but have decided it will stay for a little longer. It depends on how much appetite I have for perfecting macro.

Last edited on Tue Jan 24th, 2023 18:32 by
