View single post by Eric
 Posted: Mon Jul 3rd, 2023 19:28

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4186
As we discussed this morning Graham, I am somewhat concerned about the motivation future photographers will have to get it right in the camera when they can make anything very special on a computer. In fairness it’s been like that since Photoshop came on the market. Like you I was in at the beginning with digital imaging and Photoshop editing. We learnt skills that would enable us to manually use the then available tools to modify images as the subject …..or client demanded. It’s therefore a little churlish to draw a point of difference between us doing it in 2hr and AI doing it in 2sec. And matching or exceeding our professional proficiency back in the day.

Nevertheless, I confess that when computers overtake one’s own manual skills, there is an element of feeling cheated. All those hours of practise, training, trial and error and application are somewhat cheapened. So forgive me if my initial response is somewhat cool.  

Beyond my personal affront at my skills redundancy lol, I think we need to consider the application for this sort of manipulation. I can see young things creating wonderful images for use in digital applications and graphic design projects but where we are competing / exhibiting with basic standard unadulterated photography in clubs and forums I do wonder how that will ever be considered a level playing field.

Last edited on Mon Jul 3rd, 2023 19:28 by
