View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Jul 27th, 2023 16:41

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
jk wrote:
Well I didnt think that I would want or get a Z9, but never say never.
Today I got a new Z9.

Got rid of all my old F mount cameras (D600, D700, D800, D850, D3S), 85mm f1.4 AFD, 400mm f2.8 AFS as I use them very little these days. Still needed a top up of £2k to get the Z9 but at least my inventory is reduced.

Kept my D500 and all my AFS lenses as they work with the FTZ adapter on my Z7 and Z9 as well as the Fujis with a Fringer adapter.

Well I never thought I would live to hear the words…. “Jonathan has gotten rid of some of his camera equipment”.

I must get the Tower of London to count their Ravens.

Well done old chap. Looking forward to seeing some of your photos with the beast.

Last edited on Thu Jul 27th, 2023 16:41 by
