View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Feb 21st, 2024 10:15

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
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chrisbet wrote:
I printed out A4 on photo paper -Canon TR4500 inkjet - looks pretty good to me!

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I think you would need to take the same photo on your DSLR and print that to same size.

I would be very surprised if you couldn’t tell the difference…..but am prepared to be amazed. 

Technology is going on in such leaps and bounds but they are still fighting physics with high pixel densities on small sensors.

They may however have reached a point where the difference is no longer discernible at A4.

When my wife got her iPhone 14 I took over using her iPhone 11 (a big step up from my IPhone 6!) I said that I would try to use it as my ‘go to camera’. I did for a while but I rarely use it for photos now…even when I haven’t got the Sony to hand.

 There’s something not right and awkward in the composing and taking photos with a phone….for me.

I am reminded of the Ansel Adam’s observation about SLR camera compared to plate cameras. He proposed that a significant contribution to the inferior quality of SLR images wasn’t just the smaller negative size, but the ‘speed and ease of use’ of an SLR.

 I somehow feel that’s true of the phone. We tend to grab shots rather than taking time to compose and frame ….well that’s what I feel I do!

Last edited on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 10:15 by
