View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Feb 27th, 2024 10:35

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
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jk wrote:
Looking at Chris' picture there is much increased dynamic range which is very good.
The outside in full sunshine through to the dog all have detail.  I wonder if there isnt a bit of HDR going on in camera.
Apple seem to be a bit behind Samsung and Google with implementing AI in camera.
The Google Pixel phone adverts on TV show removal of items on photo which is very attractive to casual users.

I suspect there is some highlight/shadow adjustment in camera, to dodge and burn in.

And why not? It’s what we would do manually in Photoshop where highlights are being lost and shadows blocked out.

As photographers we have long shied away from using Program mode or Subject modes, and resisted JPEGs in favour of raw, preferring to take total control ourselves

In some ways these were the precursors for what we are now seeing in phones, but in addition to basic camera setting selection, programmers have now added in camera some of the post editing adjustment we would make.

The question has always been ….how much does the camera programmer know about OUR final required appearance for the photo? Can they best guess, by using AI learning of the perfect lighting, sharpness and detail WHAT the photographer intended?

I am sure as our grip on manual control is loosened, we more readily accept the image provided by the phone.

The next question is…when they add this level of sophistication to dslr/mirrorless cameras, will we still ‘bother’ to reach for Photoshop or will we accept the result out of the camera?….just like we HAD to do before digital cameras and without a darkroom to help.

Last edited on Tue Feb 27th, 2024 10:35 by
