View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Feb 28th, 2024 09:44

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
chrisbet wrote:
Yes - the more I learn about the Samsung the more I am impressed with it - HDR can be turned off and many manual image edits done in camera.

Their "intelligent optimisation" can be set to max, medium and minimum and it also has a "scene optimiser" that controls colour and contrast - I have not tried that one yet! It also has face focus tracking and can take HEIF and RAW pics.

I have also just acquired a used Sony FS5 video cam - now that one is sophisticated and has a 14 stops of exposure latitude and a variable ND filter to help control depth of field - more play time!

Yes it can, but one of the key uses of the ND filter on video cameras is to reduce bright light reaching the sensor as they don’t have the same latitude to stop down the aperture that still cameras have. They can easily over expose the footage in sunny weather… I have read.
Not sure in low light uk we would have that problem though. lol
Graham should be able to explain the whys.

I can see a new forum name “Originally Nikon ….now incorporating Sony, Canon, Olympus….and Samsung phones”

Last edited on Wed Feb 28th, 2024 09:44 by
