View single post by chrisbet
 Posted: Wed Feb 28th, 2024 21:55

Joined: Fri Feb 8th, 2019
Location: Leigh On Sea, Essex , United Kingdom
Posts: 1428
The higher shutter speeds make the moving objects crisper - less motion blur - the reason for the shutter = 2 x fps is that that is what the old film cameras ran at and what audiences are used to in the cinema - a certain amount of blur. Faster shutter speeds make everything crisper and can be used to impart a sense of urgency or drama to the film.

Shooting at higher fps produces slow motion when played back at 25 fps - my sony records at up to 800 fps for super slow so shutter would be 1/1600 for normal blur - if you could actually detect it :-)

Last edited on Wed Feb 28th, 2024 21:55 by

If it is broken it was probably me ....